Computer Based Permit Management
Fire Aid, and our technical partner Roundtrip Solutions, have developed a Computerised Permit Management system which enables complete control of the permit planning, issuing and monitoring.
- Electronic permit requests
- Full permit planning so permit requests can be handled effectively
- Fast permit issuing
- Automated permit generation
- Fire Guard assigning; fire guards can be assigned to the permit from the pre-loaded list of fire guards
- Real time permit monitoring showing which permits are pending, open, closed, suspended & cancelled
- Permit filter – permits can be displayed by type, deck, fire zone, department, status or all
- Automated permit numbers; the system generates the numbers automatically or manually if required
- Supervisor monitoring – Supervisors can roam the vessel gaining real-time status of all permits via the Supervisor’s Tablet
- Incident reporting – incidents can be logged on the Supervisor tablets during their safety rounds to improve overall safety across the vessel
- Report generation – the system can generate PDFs of permits issued, suspended, open, and closed as required
The computer system changes the level in which high-risk activities are controlled and monitored on board during this time of increased risk.